This project exists to help Kijabe Hospital to minimize suffering, restore and maintain health, and promote professional excellence and Christian commitment in order to provide quality, affordable and accessible health care. 97% of Kijabe Hospital's patients come because the care they can receive there is affordable. Accessing health care in a facility where spiritual ministry and evangelism is an integral part of the healing package has impacted thousands with the love of Christ. In a single year (2015) the hospital provided outpatient care to over 150,000 patients and 15,000 surgeries. The project funds surgeries for needy children and poor adults. It also provides for infrastructural upgrades to the hospital as needs arise.
Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is 501(c)(3) public charity eligible to receive tax deductible contributions. Gifts are made with the understanding that AIM has complete control and administration over the use of the donated funds. If AIM cannot honor your preference, your gift will be used where most needed.