Scott and Cindy Malefyt

The Malefyts are in France serving the African diaspora community of international university students and young professionals. They hope to share the gospel, grow disciples, and encourage new believers to become lights in dark places reaching people and places missionaries cannot.

Scott and Cindy Malefyt have been with AIM since 2018. After several years serving with AIM Kenya, their family moved to France to work with AIM Borderless among the diaspora population there.

Their ministry model is built on sharing hospitality, developing community, and investing in one-on-one relationships. They hope to reach diaspora community of international university students and young professionals with the Good News of Jesus and to disciple them into a deeper walk of faith that will bear fruit and be shared with others.

The Malefyts are currently located in a suburb south of Paris where Scott and Cindy are completing their studies in French language school while their children complete a year in the public schools’ immigrant programs for children learning French as a second language.

Please pray for them and consider partnering with them.

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Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is 501(c)(3) public charity eligible to receive tax deductible contributions. Gifts are made with the understanding that AIM has complete control and administration over the use of the donated funds. If AIM cannot honor your preference, your gift will be used where most needed.