Andrew and Cari Robertson

Andy and Cari Robertson, serving in Bebalem, Chad. Both products of the midwest, Cari is the daughter of an athletic Motown loving father and an artist mother. Giving her life to Jesus while in junior high she loves working with teenagers and helping others. She is a psychologist by inclination and math/English teacher by formation. Andy is the son of a golf-loving pastor and an alto-singing teacher and was raised on missionary stories through Sunday School, VBS, and youth group events. He responded to the call to be a follower of Jesus while in College. He is a biochemist by inclination and a pediatrician by formation, and loves being able to use his medical degree to serve the poor in a place where there are few doctors.

They began discussing missions on the quad at The College of Wooster while dating as undergrads. Now a doctor and a teacher, they really do live in a mud brick home in Central Africa. Drew loves sports, reading, and well-developed logic. Tony loves climbing, creating something new, and caring for animals of all sizes. Together they share the good news of a savior with the people of Southern Chad, working with the Evangelical Church of Chad at the church-run Hospital and Nursing School.

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Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is 501(c)(3) public charity eligible to receive tax deductible contributions. Gifts are made with the understanding that AIM has complete control and administration over the use of the donated funds. If AIM cannot honor your preference, your gift will be used where most needed.