There is treasure in the gently rolling hills of central Florida. But it's not silver or gold. It's a community of amazing people who have served God far and wide, investing their lives in making Him known among the nations.
They are Africa Inland Mission's retired missionaries; each with rich stories of God's faithfulness and grace. And while some of the spring is now gone from their step, they are still deeply committed to serving Christ: praying each day for the people and places they've come to know so well, and for those who have taken up the work that many of them began long ago in Africa.
Over the past decade, generous donors have helped with development campaigns to build a new Residential Life Center and Activity Center, both of which have greatly enhanced and enriched the lives of our retirees. AIM established the Retirement Center Assistance Fund to help with the growing need for new housing, renovations, and ongoing expenses at the Center.
Your gift will help AIM as we continue to serve and honor these faithful ones.
Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is 501(c)(3) public charity eligible to receive tax deductible contributions. Gifts are made with the understanding that AIM has complete control and administration over the use of the donated funds. If AIM cannot honor your preference, your gift will be used where most needed.